
  • Create / Delete shortcut_set
  • Modify shortcut_set's name
  • Add / Modify / Delete links of a shortcut_set
  • Switch User's Shortcut_set

Available Tags

  • shortcut_set
  • shortcut_link
  • shortcut_set_user

Automatic extraction of patterns files status

Yes, supported in versions >= 7.x-2.x


shortcut_set Tag:add/modify/delete

  title: add new shortcut set (create)
  description: add a new shortcut set 
  author: QScience
  category: Shortcut 
  version: 1.0 
  core: 7.x 
  author_email: xrfind@gmail.com


  - create:
      tag: shortcut_set
      shortcut_set_name: new_set_fortest

  - modify:
      tag: shortcut_set
      oldname: new_set_fortest
      newname: TestShortcutSet001

  - delete:
      tag: shortcut_set
      name: TestShortcutSet001

shortcut_link Tag:add/modify/delete

  title: add a link to a shortcut set (create)
  description: add a link to a shortcut set 
  author: QScience 
  category: Shortcut 
  version: 1.0 
  core: 7.x 
  author_email: xrfind@gmail.com


  - create:
      tag: shortcut_link
      shortcut_set_name: new_set_fortest
      shortcut_link_title: link_admcont
      shortcut_link_path: admin/content

  - modify:
      tag: shortcut_link
      menu_link_id: 405 
      new_link_title: link_nodadd
      new_link_path: node/add

  - delete:
      tag: shortcut_link
      # the menu id is diffierent for everyone
      menu_link_id: 405

shortcut_set_user Tag

  title: switch shortcut set for users (modify)
  description: switch shortcut set for users 
  author: QScience 
  category: Shortcut
  version: 1.0 
  core: 7.x 
  author_email: xrfind@gmail.com


  - modify:
      tag: shortcut_set_user
      user: admin
      name: new_set_fortest