
  • Create / Delete Users
  • Modify Users
  • Create / Modify / Delete Roles
  • Create / Modify / Delete Permissions

Available Tags

  • user
  • role
  • permission
  • role_users

Automatic extraction of patterns files status

Yes, supported in versions >= 7.x-2.x

Examples (for Patterns >= 7.x-2.x)

User, Role, Permission and Role Users Tags: Creates a test user, a new role with a set of permissions, and assign it to that user

# YAML User Pattern
# QScience

  title: User with new role and permissions
  description: Creates a test user, a new role with a set of permissions, and assign it to that user.
  author: QScience
  category: Users
  version: 1.0
  core: 7.x
  author_website: http://qlectives.eu/

  - create:
      tag: user
      name: test_uid
      mail: testemail@example.com
      password: test_password
      timezone: Europe/Berlin
      status: 1

  - create:
      tag: role
      name: manager

  - modify:
      tag: permission
      role: manager
        - administer blocks
        - administer image styles
        - create url aliases

  - create:
      tag: role_users
      role: manager
        - test_uid