We've used the community tags module up to version 6.x-1.0-beta3 and used its function "community_tags_display" in several parts of our theme. In version 6.x-1.0 of the community tags module, the function still exists, but was renamed to _community_tags_display_handler_tagadelic.

This leads to a "Call to undefined function"-error when trying to update to version 6.x-1.0. My workaround so far was to implement a proxy function "community_tags_display" in the new version, but I don't think that this is the way this should be handled.

"community_tags_display" was a public function before beta4. Why was it renamed and changed to an internal function without providing a proper fail-safe solution to handle calls to the former public "community_tags_display"? How should the community tags module be accessed codewise now to achieve the same functionality as with calling the "community_tags_display" function before?


Miro Goepel’s picture

We used this code to display a tag cloud of 100 tags on a page:

  print community_tags_display('global', 100);

After the update from community_tags version 6.x-1.0beta3 to 6.x-1.0 the tag cloud is not displayed anymore, also we implemented a proxy function which passes the arguments to _community_tags_display_handler_tagadelic.

Is there a way to fix this? How can we display a tag cloud on one of our pages?