Creating an image pager

Last updated on
6 March 2017

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This page describes the steps to use an image as the pager in Views Slideshow 3.x.

Images can only be used as a pager if the view formatter is set to show fields and not entire nodes/teasers. Drupal 7 defaults a new view to showing entire nodes and not fields so be sure to change this.


  1. Change the show formatter to "Fields" instead of "Content" (shown above)
  2. Add the image field you want to use as your pager to the Fields section
  3. Click settings on the slideshow format section (shown below)
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and check the pager checkbox for the top or bottom section depending on your needs (shown below)
  5. Check the box for image field you added to your view
  6. Style the pager with CSS as you see fit to meet your requirements


You should now have the images for the nodes used as the pager elements.

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