
Thanks for this great module it has made my pizza website possible. I have just noticed one error.

I have a custom line item for choosing a pizza sauce and toppings for the pizza. The sauce is one field and the toppings are another. I want to make the sauce required and only able to choose one sauce. The toppings I want a customer to choose unlimited toppings and it not be required. Everything works fine when adding the product to the shopping cart, until I make the sauce field "Required" in the line item. Then when I add a the product to the cart with one sauce selected and 0 or more toppings selected, I get the following error printed on the page:
"An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."

In the site error report I see this:

Type form
Date Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 10:20
Location http://website.com/dev/system/ajax
Referrer http://website.com/dev/pizza-alternative
Message Illegal choice in Sauce element.
Severity error

The product gets added to the cart correctly, I am not sure why there is an error printed to the page and logged. When I remove the "Required" checkbox for the sauce field in the custom line item, then the product still gets added to the cart in the same way, but there is no error message.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.