xspf_playlist 6.x-1.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

First release to D6, has some code improvements, but is mostly an update. CCK is working again, audio is not yet. Should serve as a testing platform, note the alpha is there for a reason

xspf_playlist 5.x-1.20-alpha1

Bug fixes

This is the latest release which has been fairly stable. Just did a few fixes for file description handling, but other than that it has been stable.

xspf_playlist 5.x-1.2-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

New structure to the module, lots of bug fixing, uses hook_alter to work.

xspf_playlist 5.x-1.14

New features
Bug fixes

Includes significant refactoring. Node and thumbnail handling are pulled into separate modules: XSPF Playlist Node and XSPF Playlist Thumbnail. Site admins updating must enable these two new modules in order to retain functionality. See http://drupal.org/node/275902 for details on changes made.

xspf_playlist 5.x-0.12

Trying to fix the same problem again- the absense of the .info file

xspf_playlist 5.x-0.8

New features

* improved playlist item handling
* better theme override support
* simplified xml generation
* better attached file support

xspf_playlist 5.x-0.6

New features
Bug fixes

Adds a hook for the new flvmediaplayer module which is designed for JW's great flash player
Lots of bug fixes to variable names
Some improvements for better interaction between various modules

xspf_playlist 5.x-0.5

Added a new hook which allows other modules to modify generated playlists before these are displayed.

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