I have installed everything correctly and everything is working fine except related content teaser being shown at the top of the page. How can I make it to show at the bottom of the page?

I tried to figure out from relatedcontent.tpl file but it didn't help. Please guide.


himagarwal’s picture

Under "Where to display" in settings I have selected as "end" but it still shows at the top of the node.

Am I the only one having this problem?

himagarwal’s picture

I am still facing the issue but found that by changing:

$node->content['relatedcontent']['#weight'] = $node->content['body']['#weight'] + 1;
$node->content['relatedcontent']['#weight'] = $node->content['body']['#weight'] + 50;

in relatedcontent.module does the trick...

here, I changed from + 1 to + 50.

But, my friend who was working on it was not able to make a custom module to overwrite this function "_relatedcontent_node_view"

I was wondering if developer or maintainer gave a look at this problem. Thanks!