Mothership comes packed with a couple of small functions that should make your life easier as a themer.

Poor themers helper

With this little snippet setting, Mothership will output the hook suggestions as a comment in the markup. This only works for page.tpl, node.tpl, block.tpl and field.tpl


poor theme helper to the rescue

Rebuilding the theme

When you get tired of doing $drush cc all day to clear the cache.
Thank you Zen theme for providing this cool little feature :)

body test class

Show us your grid. It can be very practical during development to have a test class in the body tag to render a grid.png etc during the building phase and to be able to quickly remove it when you're done.

To use this in your css just do something like this:
body.test {background: pink;}

Maybe pink clashes with your design, or maybe pastels in any hue make your eyes bleed candy-coated marshmallows or maybe you prefer greyscale. Whatever floats your boat.
body.test {background: #eee;}

MediaQuery indicator

To make your life a little bit more simple when you need to target one of the 1000 different mobilphones, screens and tablets that a Mothership based site supports - it can be a great value to figure out what size you are actually working on.

By using the "mediaquery indicator tool (tm)" Mothership adds a little css magic that writes the breakpoint you are currently looking at.

We use the following popular breakpoints: 320 - 480 - 600 - 768 - 993 - 1383

If you wanna add your own its really easy by using the following css

@media only screen and (min-width: XXXpx) and (max-width: XXXpx){ 
  body::before{ content: "foobar: were between heaven & hell";}

mediaquery indicator-1.jpg


dqd’s picture

This article has been linked to from a more general source about Drupal theming. That was quite confusing and took me a second to realize that I am in a sub page of Mothership theme how-to docs.

Thanks to all for all the contributions and efforts here and everywhere else on!
You all rock! ~ dqd (formerly diqidoq)