On a bilingual site in English (default, no prefix) and German (prefix "de"), relative links entered in CKEditor are saved ok but displayed with prefixes.

E.g. both example.com/node/1 (English) and example.com/de/node/2 (German) contain a relative link to some pdf file, path: /download/file.pdf (protocol: ).
The link is displayed correctly in English (example.com/download/file.pdf), but in German node it's displayed as example.com/de/download/file.pdf; this location is wrong, of course.

First, I had ckeditor_link in mind because there have been similar problems, but I am only using the default link function with CKEditor. Any idea how this could be fixed?


miksha’s picture

I have bilingual site with both languages having language prefix. In order to enter relative links to files in CKEditor I insert "../" before link. If your file resides in "sites/all/files/xxx.pdf" you should write "../sites/all/files/xxx.pdf", and that is only for each article in language that has language prefix enabled.