I've tried this twice now, including a clean install and both times with same result. I'm getting this error after upgrading from 7.12 to 7.14:

Notice: Illegal member variable name in drupal_json_encode_helper() (line 94 of /siteurl/includes/json-encode.inc).

Any ideas what might be causing this?



Christopher James Francis Rodgers’s picture

I do not have your answer
But I suggest that you also search/post at Core's 'issues' que



These forums are a good place to ask your question
when you can not get the help you need at a project's 'issues' que
because the project is not actively maintained
or the developers are MIA (missing in action)
and you can not get a response in thee 'issues' que.

The 'issues' que for a project is, however, a good place to go
if you have not tried there already.

All the best; intended.
-Chris (great-grandpa.com)
"The number one stated objective for Drupal is improving usability." ~Dries Buytaert *

Christopher James Francis Rodgers’s picture

Again, I do not have your answer
But I know how to use Google and limit the search to drupal.org
since the d.o website's search is essentially worthless to me
except maybe when I am in a specific project's
(module's or theme's) issues que.

I suggest a Google Search limited to drupal.org

Google Search: site:drupal.org

  • Do Not insert a blank-space after the colon (":") before the first letter of the domain name ("drupal.org").
  • Type a blank-space following the plus-sign (+),
    and add your keyword(s) &/or "keyword phrase"(s).
  • Wrap a multi-word keyword phrase in double-quotes ("... ... ... ")
    to search for exact phrase matching in the search.

Sample Google search of d.o

Example using keyword(s): updating from 7.12 to 7.14 error

All the best; intended.
-Chris (great-grandpa.com)
"The number one stated objective for Drupal is improving usability." ~Dries Buytaert *

drupalpupal’s picture

You might actually want to Google for the answer to this...I did and found some info relating to data that somehow didn't get stored correctly and so the error your getting is actually misleading.

Worth checking into :)

josephsergio’s picture

Any update on how to do this?

josephsergio’s picture

This is the 2nd time I am trying to update from 7.12 to 7.14 - The first time I lost my entire site now I just re-uploaded all files and folder via my ftp except for the sites directory which was left alone. Once everything had uploaded to the FTP when I go to my site URL I see the following:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function views_ui_cache_load() in /home/josephsergio/mjmroyalties.com/includes/menu.inc on line 592

Can someone please help me!

wheelercreek’s picture

I was getting the same error on my site when I upgraded - started at about Drupal 7.14, when that json-encode.inc file was introduced. I tracked the issue down to a custom module I had built, where I had accidentally included the module's CSS file twice.

I had a form in the module, and whenever I submitted the form the error would appear. I had a page callback function where the CSS file was included, using drupal_add_css() and then also in the form function that was called by that page callback function.

When Drupal built it's internal CSS array at that point, it skipped the duplicate entry - but it included an empty element into it's CSS array. That's where the error occurred.

Hope that helps out..

muderno’s picture

I got the same error.
It was my PHP that was 5.2.17 instead of 5.3.x.
I just changed the PHP version to 5.3.x and the problem gone away.