Just updated to Alpha1:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in _rootcandy_besturlmatch() (line 280 of /home/myhost/public_html/MYSITE/sites/all/themes/rootcandy/template.php).
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in rootcandy_links__rc_main_navigation() (line 154 of /home/myhost/public_html/MYSITE/sites/all/themes/rootcandy/template.php).

ALSO in D7, I still cannot find like in D6 where you can place your custom menu icons


sign’s picture

might be that you will need to reset the menu settings in the rootcandy theme settings? Can you give it a try and let me know?

Will look into the custom icons today.


trillex’s picture

I had the exact same issue. None of the roles in the menu settings in RootCandy theme settings should be blank, else it'll give this error message.

Pascal.s’s picture

#2 worked for me! Thanks

eliu’s picture

I have the same problem with the custom icons, there's no such option in D7 it seems. Also, I'm not sure how to get the icon links in the sub nav to work. Currently they are just displaying as text links.