As editor on the university information site I want to be able to mark a piece of news as relevant to only selected departments. I also want to mark entire faculties to denote that all departments on that faculty are affected. This is important since it lowers the amount of irrelevant information the university staff have to read.

The functionality above can be achieved by the following steps:

  • Add a new vocabulary with the name administration unit.
  • Each faculty at the university is entered as terms in the vocabulary.
  • Each department on the university is entered as terms in the vocabulary, and sorted as child terms of their respective faculty. (In case a department belongs to more than one faculty, this has to be done on the term edit page – not the drag-and-drop list of terms.)
  • The node type for news (assumed to already exist) gets a new term reference field, referring to the administration unit vocabulary. The field is set up to allow unlimited number of values, and will probably use the select list widget.

TIP: Note that both cases described above strictly speaking aren't user stories, for two reasons.
One: The new functions are described from the editor's point of view, but the functionality should be useful for the site visitors.
Two: There is no actual use case described in the cases, only descriptions of how data should be stored. User stories like these should be avoided in real projects, since they border on technical specifications rather than value added to the website.