I am looking for goal management and CRM open source for drupal 7.x. Can someone please guide me on this?


Christopher James Francis Rodgers’s picture

Please be aware that you posted your new topic
in the "Deprecated" sections of the forums at Drupal.org.

The 'Deprecated' (no longer used) section of the forums
is intended as a library archive collection of old posts
and is not be seen by typical forum users.

That is possibly why you never got any replies.

You might try re-posting your issue in one of the following
active forums.

Good luck, and all the best.


Forums at drupal.org

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-- ... {Non-Active archived posts only}

All the best; intended.
-Chris (great-grandpa.com)
"The number one stated objective for Drupal is improving usability." ~Dries Buytaert *