
I've just installed SEO Tools with all its dependencies. Now I cannot access any node in my site because I'm being redirected all the time from www.mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/es/e.... My site is unaccessible now. Any idea on how to overcome this problem? Thanks in advance,



Mac Lake’s picture

I have the same problem, only with “de” instead of “es”. This is really bad as I can’t even access the admin pages, well in Drupal they are just an overlay, or is there also a way to access the admin pages separately like in Joomla, so that I can at least cleanly uninstall the SEO Tools and its dependencies?


Mac Lake’s picture

After making a backup of the files and the database — just in case — I deleted all the newly installed directories in sites/all/modules/. This is easy if your (s)ftp client or your file manager — if you are directly on the server — can sort the files by modification date. After that my site worked again like before.

The other thing is how to get the SEO tools to work.

PMXProductions’s picture

Same happened to me, I installed SEO Tools through the LevelTen App server. Problem is Global Redirect version 7.x-1.4 is installed through the app. Fix: Un-install module (removed from ftp server), backup database, install updated module 7.x-1.5.

This worked for me. Please let us know if it worked for you.

rphillipsfeynman’s picture

Updating the module as #3 did worked for me. Thanks you all.

sphism’s picture

Sounds like an incompatibility with some multilingual modules... what other modules do you have installed, and which versions? ... you can probably get a quick text list of them using

drush statusmodules

on the command line