
I'm the maintainer of the fivestar module and I know that this module is no longer required for 7.x since fivestar supports entities. But one thing that keeps happening is that we get a lot of feature request for some nice ideas. I was thinking we could use fivestar_extra to add this features that probably shouldn't exist in the core fivestar module but would be good to have somewhere.

What do you think? Also I figured fivestarextra is a perfect name for that project.


Leeteq’s picture

Good idea.

Leeteq’s picture

Title: Idea for 7.x » Refocus Fivestar_Extra 7.x for features that does not belong in Fivestar core
Leeteq’s picture

Title: Refocus Fivestar_Extra 7.x for features that does not belong in Fivestar core » Refocus FivestarExtra 7.x for features that does not belong in Fivestar core

(ooops, correcting typo in module name)

kihap’s picture


Frank HH-germany’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Hi , I use Five Star and Microdata . I have a vocabulary called Vote . In the vocabulary the term Vote .
The reviews I've brought in a block with views. This block is available on all pages on the content above.
The rich snippet testing tool shows me on each side as itemid the Taxonomyterm -url to .
I would like to here as itemid prefer the current- page- url and also the current page name as the name.
Is there a way ?
Example, as a site-wide assessments, which will also be displayed by Google for each page.

Greetings from Hamburg -Germany