Could we have the ability to include in the byline authors who revise an already created node ? This would be useful for collaborative projects, like wiki style projects where several authors contribute to a node.
My apologies if this is already possible, I can't see how to do it.
Great module by the way!


NancyDru’s picture

I assume you mean similar to what you can see in the Doc section. I think that's done by a separate module.

Note to self: Util module?

NancyDru’s picture

Project: Submitted By » Token

If Tokens provides it, we'll support it. Moving to Token module.

Dave Reid’s picture

So the token would list all users who have edited a node? Not sure whether it's best as a custom token or something we should support here in Token module. Needs suggestions on an appropriate token name as well.

NancyDru’s picture

How about [node:editors]? I could argue for it being in Token so that it's treated consistently.