Just read http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1579 because of https://twitter.com/wimleers/status/220849383476969473

"LukeW" lays out an EPIC article about research that he has professionally conducted on the success of completing checkout in ecommerce websites.

Features that Drupal Commerce should have out of the box:

  1. Clearly define and allow a login / continue as guest option
    • I understand we offer this feature by transparently assigning an anonymous user to a real user's account
    • We should at least make it possible to toggle this "login wall" to help increase "we remember you" actions like saved addresses
  2. Help store builders request the least amount of information possible by redesigning the addressfield's interface to make it super-reduced, if possible
  3. Real-time Feedback
    • AJAX feedback on every field in checkout can decrease errors by 22%, increase satisfaction by 31% and significantly decrease checkout times.
    • This would be an awesome out-of-the-box feature that can have a real impact
  4. Similar to feature request #1 above, we should bring in saved addresses into core.
  5. Accordion "Continue | Back" Single Page capability.
  6. Loyalty-mode
    • Amazon calls it "Prime" but most all stores want a loyalty program.
    • How do we bake this into core?
    • Does it belong in every e-commerce situation?

Just some thoughts that I didn't want to forget and thought might solicit some feedback.


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