I am trying to add some features to the events module dealing with the way the events are displayed on the calendar. I want to display events as 'tag clouds' on days rather than having the full event, and apply an onhover action to each event link that pops up a div with the information about the event being hovered over.

I don't even know where to start, honestly. I've looked through the events module and can't find any way to even begin trying to implement this idea. I know a bit of PHP, and my personal website is AJAX driven, but I'm dumbfounded on this. The Drupal API seems to be kind of intimidating and limiting, and I'm not sure if it's just me not being familiar with it.

I can't find anything in the events documentation that really shows how to do anything with it, nor how it's displayed or where to even change that beyond the basic CSS alterations. If anybody can help me out with this I'd be greatly appreciative. Even a little nudge in the right direction.