Processing large amounts of data

Last updated on
31 May 2017

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Feeds processes data using the Batch API. You can avoid hitting a page time-out when processing large amounts of data by keeping count of the processed elements and setting the batch progress.

The simplest example of implementation in the Drupal 6 version can be found at feeds/includes/

class YourFeedsProcessor extends FeedsProcessor {
  // Total elements to process per page
  const MAX_PER_PAGE = 50;
   * Update your process() method within your custom Feeds processor with the
   * following logic.
  public function process(FeedsImportBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) {
    // Set counter of processed elements for this page load.
    $processed = 0;
    // Set counter of all processed items across page loads.
    if (!isset($batch->processed)) {
      $batch->processed = 0;
    // Set total elements
    if (!$batch->getTotal(FEEDS_PROCESSING)) {
      $batch->setTotal(FEEDS_PROCESSING, count($batch->items));
    // Loop items
    while ($item = $batch->shiftItem()) {
      // You can replace the following two lines by your custom logic to process nodes.
      $object = $this->map($item);
      $processed++; // Processed in this page load.
      $batch->processed++; // Processed total.
      if ($processed > self::MAX_PER_PAGE) {
        $batch->setProgress(FEEDS_PROCESSING, $batch->processed);

The above code will make the page to reload every 50 items, thus increasing the progress bar and avoiding page time-outs.

Have a look at how this is implemented by the generic FeedsProcessor in Drupal 7 or by FeedsNodeProcessor in Drupal 6.

You may also have a look at Steven Jones's sandbox: Feeds XPath Parser + XMLReader.

As of 13 October 2013, the latest official releases of Feeds Xpath Parser for D6 and D7 include a patch designed to overcome batching problems like stalling, timeout and memory exhaustion. You can examine that part of the module to look for further improvements.

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