The documentation of the Domain Alias module mentions that the aliases should be visible in the Domain List:

3.  Alias Management

The Domain Alias module adds a new column to the Domain List table.  If you
go to the Domain List at Admin > Build > Domains > Domain List.  You should
now see an "Aliases" column in your domain list.

But this column is not there, I looked through the code and did not find any form_alter that could inject this column. Rather than fix the documentation, wouldn't it be nice to actually provide this column so the aliases can be seen at a glance? :)

Same goes for the shortcut to add an alias which should be present in this fabled column, it would be great to actually have this:

3.1  Creating Aliases

To create a new alias, go to the Domain List at Admin > Build > Domains > Domain
List.  You should see an "Aliases" column in your domain list.

Click on the 'add alias' link.  You will be presented with a form divided into
two parts.  The top section, 'Registered aliases for *' will be empty initially.


agentrickard’s picture

Category: feature » task

Right, this documentation is from the x.2 branch and needs to be removed.

agentrickard’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Added another suggestion.