Hi, I am building my first site in Drupal 7 using the Omega theme. I need to have a Eureka!/light bulb moment of understanding how CSS works between base theme and sub-theme. I have read the Omega and general theming documentation available on Drupal.org, and have also been using the books Beginning Drupal 7 and Pro Drupal Development, but still am not understanding what I need to do.

I'll be more specific about where I'm getting lost. I have created my subtheme, and am ready to edit the CSS.

There are several CSS files in the base theme (formalize.css, omega-branding.css, omega-forms.css
omega-menu.css, omega-text.css, omega-visuals.css), and then several completely different CSS files in the sub-theme (global.css, mytheme-alpha-default-narrow.css, mytheme-alpha-default-normal.css, etc., etc.).
I am confused that the sub-theme files are all empty. I'm not sure where to begin to make changes to the CSS. I don't want to start from scratch with CSS, just want to make changes to what exists already. For example, if I want to change text styling, would I copy the "omega-text.css" file in to the sub-theme directory, make my edits to the new sub-theme copy, and then point to the sub-theme copy in the .info file? Or, do I combine all styling into the sub-theme "global.css" file, and then declare that in .info?

I appreciate any help in figuring out what I'm not understanding, or a recommendation of a resource (or examples) that might help me. I'm hoping that I'm just overcomplicating/thinking too hard, and that one of you might help me reach the "Oh, duh!" moment that I'm hoping for. Thank you in advance for any assistance!


zymphonies-dev’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » zymphonies-dev

Alpha is the core basetheme for Omega and all its subthemes. It includes the most basic features of the Omega theme framework. This theme should not be used directly, instead you should create a subtheme based on one of the Omega or Alpha starterkits.

Omega extends the Omega theme framework with some additional features and makes them availabe to its subthemes. This theme should not be used directly, instead you should create a subtheme based on one of the Omega or Alpha starterkits.

In sub-theme you can add you own customized styles. and structure changes, etc

mark@redhorseinteractive.com’s picture

I am interested in an answer to this as well. I have a subtheme set up and look like to start working on the CSS. The subtheme created (via omega tools, I believe) has CSS files in it but they are empty. Is the idea to copy the CSS from the alpha theme over to these files and work there. I notice these files do not seem to be referenced in the .info file, which doesn't seem to make sense.
I'm sure it's all simple business, but some orientation so as to not have to figure it all out and likely endure much trial and error would be a wonderful thing... if not expected.
thx in advance.