The help is wrong (or there's a bug in the module). The help says:
"Second, on enabled forms (curently node, term & user editing forms) you have the option of specifying a title that is different to the title of the item. This field only appears if the Show Field box is checked for the item. If a value is provided it will be used to generate the [page-title] placeholder however if it is left blank the [page-title] token will inherit the item's own title."

I enabled the form by checking the show field box in my content type definition, and I have tried for hours many different combinations of patterns, and tokens in the patterns definition of the content type page title (and even no pattern) and whatever you put in the pattern with whatever tokens, the generated page title is NEVER the value provided in the page title field of the content type edit form.

So please tell me what happens to the value that the user enters in the "page title" field of the node edit form when the "Show Field Box" is checked.
The help text under the field says "Provide a description of this node to appear in the tag which search engines can use in search result listings"... but in all the combinations of patterns and tokens I've tried, the module never uses that value as the tag of the page.