Hi all,

after a lot of searching I still don't know how I can get all fields for a specific content-type.
Any help would be appreciated.



Jaypan’s picture

Gonna need to be more specific than that.

enochRoot’s picture

I'll try:
Every Content-type can have certain fields, right? The ones I can manage by clicking 'manage fields' right next to the content-type under admin/structure/types.
Now I just want to get that list of available fields for that content-type in code.

probably still not specific enough...

nevets’s picture

Sounds like you are looking for field_info_instances()

enochRoot’s picture

The description indeed looks like that's what I need. Can I use the content-type (node-type) as the $entity_type parameter?


nevets’s picture

entity type would be 'node' and the bundle would be the machine name for the content type.

alexmoreno’s picture

in Drupal6 this does the trick:


farfanfelipe’s picture

This is an example for Drupal 7

$options = array('target' => 'slave');
  $content_type = 'contests';

  $sql = "SELECT field_name
          FROM field_config_instance ci 
          WHERE ci.bundle = :content_type ";
  $result = db_query($sql, array(':content_type' => $content_type,), $options);
  $fields = array();
  foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $key => $field) {
    $fields[] = $field->field_name;
alexmoreno’s picture

well, more elegant using the api:

$fields = content_types($type);

		if ( empty($fields) || empty($fields['fields']) ) {

		foreach ( $fields['fields'] as $field ) {
skorzh’s picture

$fields = field_info_instances("node", "my_content_type");

glass.dimly’s picture

Some of that code is for D7. field_info_instances is only on D7.

Here's my D6 code:

 * Get a list of content types with all fields on them for export to spreadsheet.
function cc_migrate_info_get_fields_by_content_type() {
  foreach (content_types() as $content_type_name => $content_type) {
    print_r("\n\n{$content_type['name']} ({$content_type_name})\nFields:\n");
    foreach ($content_type['fields'] as $field_name => $field){
      print_r("\nMachine Name: {$field_name}\n");
      print_r("Type: {$field['type']}\n");
      print_r("Human Name: {$field['widget']['label']}\n");
      print_r("Description: {$field['widget']['description']}\n");

 * Get a list of content types with descriptions
function cc_migrate_info_get_content_types() {
  foreach (content_types() as $content_type_name => $content_type) {
    print_r("\n{$content_type['name']} ({$content_type_name})\n");
    $description = strip_tags($content_type['description']);
    print_r("Description: {$description}\n");