I'm creating a page via a custom module (using hook_menu() with a page callback). This page list a set of users that the current user may want to connect with.

I'm outputting the list of users by looping through a data set returned from db_select() on my custom database table that also contains the Drupal UID for each result.

I want to add the UR Actions Block to each output row. Is this possible?

I've tried:
block_load('user_relationship_blocks', 'actions')
module_invoke('user_relationship_blocks', 'block_view', 'actions')

But they both return nothing. My syntax is either wrong, or I need to load an .inc file into my module...

But my other concern is that it's going to appear multiple times on the same page, and can the block distinguish between which user it is intended for?

Thanks for any guidance!


wormz30’s picture

subscribing. I'm having the same issue here.