Marking a project as unsupported for security reasons

Last updated on
24 April 2022

If a project maintainer is not responsive to fixing an issue after multiple attempts to contact them via e-mail, IRC, Skype, and/or phone, then we may need to "unsupport" a project.

When we unsupport a project there are several steps to take:

  1. If the module meets general requirements for an SA then it should get an SA following the normal process.
  2. Edit the project node, go to the releases tab and mark the insecure releases/branches as unsupported and uncheck “Supported.”
  3. Edit the project node to be "Full HTML" input format and add a warning like the text below.
  4. Change the author of the project to the Unsupported Projects user.
  5. Remove the maintainers from the module
    <div class="error">
    This module is unsupported due to a security issue the maintainer didn’t fix. 
    If you want to use this module, your options are:
    <li>Choose another, actively maintained module instead</li>
    <li>Following the <a href="">unsupported project process</a>.</li>
    <li>Hire someone to fix the security bug so the module can be re-published and supported (Consider hiring companies listed in the <a href="">Marketplace</a>)</li>

    Make sure to fill in the X's above with the URL and the SA title of the SA

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