Is there a way to debug a certain Heartbeat template or stream to see what the available variables are to use with the (!) and (%...%) variables in a template?

I have FiveStar (a submodule of Voting API) installed, and I setup everything so that a FiveStart rating will show up in the stream, however in the Heartbeat template for it I set the Single Message to a very common:

!username has rated !node_title.

But for this activity, !username is always blank, and !node_title shows the title, but it isn't linked to the content like most other activities...

Is there just no goo FiveStar support for Heartbeat, or possibly some variables that I'm unaware of? like !voter or !node_link....

Thanks for any advice!


rameshbabu.g’s picture

Hi bluhring,

Have you seen the module which meets your requirement.By using tokens will alter add/edit heartbeat templates .

Ramesh Babu G.