I discovered some code in filestore2.module for converting files from filestore to filestore2. The code looks like it works, but it's hard to find how to run it. I was able to display the menu of conversion options with this url:


But the display of conversion options generates incorrect links. The code is below. I believe that this works if each path is changed from "admin/system/modules/filestore2/convert" to "admin/settings/filestore/convert". I also had to install the 4.4 version of filestore.module.

// $Id: filestore2.module,v 2005/01/18 10:09:43 gordon Exp $

<snip -- to line 319>

  $output .= form_item(t("Transfer files"),l(t("transfer"), "admin/system/modules/filestore2/convert", array(), "op=transfer"), t("transfer any files from filestore \
to filestore2 that do not already exist in filestore2 database"));
  $output .= form_item(t("change nodes"),l(t("change to filestore2"), "admin/system/modules/filestore2/convert", array(), "op=chgfs2"), t("change any filestore nodes\
 to filestore2 that have been transferred to filestore2"));
  $output .= form_item(t("back out conversion"),l(t("change to filestore"), "admin/system/modules/filestore2/convert", array(), "op=backout"), t("change any filestor\
e2 nodes back to filestore that where moved."));
  $output .= form_item(t("Remove files from filestore2"),l(t("delete transferred files"), "admin/system/modules/filestore2/convert", array(), "op=remove"), t("This p\
rocess will delete any files that have been transferred to filestore2 from filestore."));