I have the page og/users/*/invite where group managers can send out invitations. I believe this page is generated by this module. Is it possible for me to re-create this page in views? The issue I am having is to do with the styling - different group types have different sidebars and styles and I am dealing with just one page that can't handle 2 sets of styles depending on the group type.


vasi1186’s picture

Well, as far as I can see, this page just prints a form... I am not sure if it makes so much sense to use views for this (maybe panels, yes). But of course, that you can use a view and print a PHP field in it, which I wouldn't actually recommend so much, it is pretty hackish. My question would be actually this: why your style handling depends on views?

HJulien’s picture

This page is an input form. I create 2 view pages with different paths and give each one it's own style based on the group. Specifically, you have a non-profit type group and a business group. It's realistic to give each group type separate sidebars with different types of actions they can take. That's part of the nature of the site.

vasi1186’s picture

I agree you can have 2 styles. So, basically, what you want is to print that form on those pages? Like in a block or something?

HJulien’s picture

Preferably re-create the page og/users/*/invite as a views page display. If it can only be done as a views block, that could work too.

vasi1186’s picture

The nature of the page, og/users/*/invite, in my opinion is not meant to be a views display. It does not contain a list, it is just s form. Following this approach, we can say the also the user login page should be a view :). What I would do in this case is just to implement a block, even in a custom module, and print the form in that block. Then, just put that block in a region on the page. You can also use that block later in panels if you need it.