Is is possible to send invitations as a private message?
I'm working on a site where we wont to send invitations by email. Is there any other solutions for that?
It would be nice to have a page per users, where we list all invitations he has received!


vasi1186’s picture

Well, to quickly answer your first question: no, not at the moment.
But, the change should be pretty small, to make it work with private messages instead of emails. Basically, instead of calling drupal_mail(), we should call some API function from the privatemessage module.

As for the page per users where you can see all the invitations he has received, I think there is some more work to do (unless maybe there is some views integration for the privatemessages module).

I am not sure how easy would be for you to implement a patch for the module that would use the privatemessage API to send invitations, but if you can provide a patch, this would be great!