The module is not throwing errors, but when I click on the "Path" tab to create a path-based breadcrumb, I am allowed to create and save but the breadcrumb item does not actually appear anywhere.

In case it's relevant, the content that is using the path intended for this is a webform. I don't think it is relevant, because I tested the issue with a new breadcrumb using a unique path name (not yet used in any content) and that breadcrumb also did not appear in the breadcrumbs list.


silurius’s picture

Issue summary: View changes


John_B’s picture

I am seeing the same problem, even with weights correctly set on the Configuration page.

seeing error name in custom_breadcrumbs_module_weight() (line 647

silurius’s picture

Same issue for taxonomy terms now. Strangely, it was working fine a few days ago and I haven't touched core, modules or theme templates in the interim.

Edit: On a whim I upgraded Chaos Tools from 7.x-1.2 to 7.x-1.2+4-dev (2012-Sep-24) and the issue remains the same.

silurius’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

little more detail