Open aggregator links in a new tab

Last updated on
22 November 2016

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Most popular browsers today allow the user to keep multiple tabs open. To take advantage of this feature and open links in a separate tab, you can either look at the External Link module, override the HTML in the aggregator module, or override the code in your theme's template.php.

Overriding in the Aggregator Module

Find the HTML to override

You'll need to edit the HTML in one or more of the following files:

aggregator-item.tpl.php: External links from the /aggregator page.
aggregator-summary-items.tpl.php: Feed source links from the /aggregator page.
aggregator-summary-item.tpl.php: External links from the /aggregator/sources page.
aggregator-feed-source.tpl.php: Feed source links from the /aggregator/sources page.

Find the line containing this text:

<a href="<?php print $source_url; ?>">

After the closing quotation mark but before the closing brace, add the text target="_blank". The resulting code will look like this:

<a href="<?php print $source_url; ?>" target="_blank">

With a Template.php function

function MY_THEME_aggregator_block_item($variables) {
  $link = check_url($variables['item']->link);
  $title = check_plain($variables['item']->title);

  // I prefer sprintf to string concatenation.
  return sprintf('%s',


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