I am having a problem with the latest D6 version of this module. My vocabulary titles are not being translated on the faceted search blocks. All the translated terms are showing just fine, but their titles are not. It shows the original English vocabulary name. I have already translated these strings with the Drupal Translate Interface tool but for some reason they are not displaying the translated text. Isn't this supported with this module?


drupalfan81’s picture


drupalfan81’s picture

Shouldn't these be translated? Does this piece of code from this module translate the Vocabulary Name or just the terms?

* Localize a vocabulary by replacing its name attribute with its localized
* version for the current language.
function _taxonomy_facets_localize_vocabulary(&$vocabulary) {
// If this vocabulary supports localization.
if (module_exists('i18ntaxonomy') && i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary($vocabulary->vid) == I18N_TAXONOMY_LOCALIZE) {
$vocabulary->name = tt("taxonomy:vocabulary:$vocabulary->vid:name", $vocabulary->name);

papirrin’s picture
