Hi all,

I've been browsing the issues for a while and I don't think there is any post to help me out (unless I missed it).

I installed the fb social module and it works great so far. The only issue I have at the moment:
Facebook does not show a message on it's wall after clicking any like-button on my site (http://www.desnellevlucht.be (in Dutch)).
However the click count is correct.

I Used the lint at developers.facebook to check if there is an error. It said there was metadata and it showed me the correct title of the page etc...

Currently I'm using the metatags module in order to add OpenGraph data to node pages.
In fb social I unchecked the OpenGraph option at the settings page (no, it didn't work before).

Can anyone help me out with this ? Or is it a known bug (due to fb migration), or is it something I'm missing ...

Thanks in advance...