I've tried configuring language settings in my Disqus account and playing with the settings into the Disqus configuration (in Drupal) toggling Localization support on/off but it sticks to English...
I marked this issue as critical since this situation makes the module unusable.

Drupal version: 7.15


pardalman’s picture

If I turn on "Enable Disqus 2012 features for your site." on my Disqus account then it works. Still I think this is a critical issue, the new features are the reason why I want to use this module.
Besides this option is set by default in your Disqus account making quite difficult to find out how to fix it (I've been quite a while tryint to make it work)

Cyclodex’s picture

Same problem here, I can't get it work in German. Also not after applying patch from #1054604: Proper locale support

Could it be that the API changed on DISQUS, there is this new "2012 Feature" stuff...
Will have to check this further soon...

Cyclodex’s picture

Okey, it is the Feature 2012!
Disable it on the disqus.com account/settings and it will work.

Seems they have to implement language support in 2012 Version or something is wrongly documented.
It does not work for me.

lsolesen’s picture

It is not possible to turn off Feature 2012, once it has been enabled - see here: http://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/526768-introducing-disqu...

Sinan Erdem’s picture

I am using Disqus 2012 and the Disqus comments block is correctly translated to the language I select (Dutch in my case) from the Disqus account settings page.

For the other Disqus blocks (Recent, popular, etc) I see that they are not inside iFrame. I can translate the block titles as normal blocks. But "X hours ago" is not translated as far as can see.

Yaazkal’s picture

In admin/config/services/disqus go to Behavior and verify that Localization support is unchecked. By this way you will always use the language that you set in your Disqus settings. That is the way that worked for me.

Regards !

cdnsteve’s picture

I discovered this through the .module file.
If you have Drush installed you can just do:

drush vset disqus_localization 1

Then Disqus will then render in the current language of the Drupal page.

lsolesen’s picture

Is this still an issue for you? After using the latest dev, it works in Danish.