I would like to develop project for each individual user, such that if someone creates an account, that person by default creates themselves a project. This project should have a working folder and only that user can invite other people to his project. The working folder should be public (can download and upload to it) to that user and anybody they invite. Every login by that user should take him/her to their project page. Iam very new to Drupal, groups and organic groups if anybody could give me a simple demo of what i could do then i will extend it.


moshe weitzman’s picture

this would be a contrib module and not part of og. i'll leave this active for a bit in case someone chimes in to help.

ajayg’s picture

There are some pitfalls using the approach of creating a default project for individual user. There will be some users who will not use the project and some users will want more than one projects. So the current approach of OG (making a functionality available to users to create how many OG they want and when they want) seems to be sufficient Unless I am not understanding what exactly you want to achieve.

And once the user created an OG, that OG can have all the features you have mentioned. So probably you don't need anything more.