(Posted as a comment here http://groups.drupal.org/node/255083#comment-846408 but actually should be an issue - hence raised here, I'm willing to help by the way.)

Need to clarify which version latest available & download link?
Posted by therobyouknow on November 5, 2012 at 8:12am new

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These pages are a bit confusing.

It's not clear from this page ( the one you are looking at here: http://groups.drupal.org/node/255083 ) nor the project page: https://drupal.org/project/quickstart what stage the project is in:

What version is available now and for download? 1.0? 2.0? 3.0? At the beginning of the project page it says "New! Quickstart 3.0 in October 2012" - does this mean: that 3.0 is available (one would assume this is the case, or may be assuming wrong) or does it mean that 3.0 is a work in progress and you want help?
QuickStart 1.0 is available as a download on the project page but 2.0 is not
How about a comparison chart between the different versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0?
(that said, I wouldn't want to invest time in setting up 1.0 or 2.0 only to find this is not supported.)
On most other drupal project pages there are very clear links for downloading: 1) the latest stable version and 2) the development version. Unfortunately, this is not the case for quickstart

The github page https://github.com/quickstart/quickstart-drupal/wiki is not clear enough about the state of the project either. But I am guessing now that 3.0 is the development release.

The github page https://github.com/quickstart contains 4 repos. Do we need all 4 for quickstart ? I presume we would need quickstart-configure but if we've already configured our machine then what does quickstart-build provide that quickstart-configure doesn't? And what about quickstart-drupal ? Presumable we would need that - by drush extensions do you just mean drush, or do you mean some extensions that add on to drush? Finally, what is quickstart-website for? From the text beneath it this appears to be optional.

Had a quick look at the video guides, but these are all around a year old and so do not account for the work being in github.

Please advise, clarification and guidance needed.