1. Set up your 'Default' view with the information you would like to display.
  2. Add a "Web Widget" display setting.
  3. In the "Web Widget" display settings - you want to make a path that will only be used for the widget.
    • You probably don't want to use the path for an existing page - as it will put your entire Drupal page in the iFrame.
    • You can see what the widget will look like by visiting that path after you save the view.
    • If the page appears as very plain markup...that's a good sign. You only want to see the contents of your view.
  4. You can attach the widget display to another display (default, page, block etc.) - it will show up below the views output by default.

As of this writing (7/30/2010), it seems like iFrame works, and inline has an in issue.
This module *does* work with javascript (views slideshow, for example) - though to get simple slideshow of 'node titles' to display, it needed to set dimensions for the slideshow.