
I have a big problem with heartbeat and my multilanguage site.

First szenario: My site is split in two domains:


- When a german user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in english, no site will be found.

- When a german user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in german, everything works.

- When an english user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in german, no site will be found.

- When a english user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in english, everything works.

Second szenario: My site has a german path for the german sites in the domain:


- When a german user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in english, he will link to the english path "mydomain.com/user/22" but should link to the german path "mydomain.com/de/user/22".

- When a english user click on a heartbeat activity (maybe click the username) witch was made in german, he will link to the german path "mydomain.com/de/user/22" but should link to the english path "mydomain.com/user/22".

I really hope that someone can help...
Thanks in advanced!

Best regards