bear 8.x-2.0-alpha3

Updating make file so D.O. packaging script reports proper versions.

bear 8.x-2.x-dev

New features

Updating bear to use drupal-composer workflow with drupal-scaffold.

bear 7.x-2.0

New features

Enabled new asset management through asset module.

Setup bear_coat sub-theme of bear_skin for quick responsive site setup.

bear 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

The new 7.x-2.x branch incorporates new asset file management and the bear_coat sub-theme.

bear 8.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Bear 8 dev release. Still needs many things, as not all contrib is ready yet, but getting what we have setup on D.O from our work on Github.

Fixing some issues with packaging system requirements.

bear 7.x-1.15

Bug fixes
New features
  • Synching latest commits from Github.
  • Updated bear_skin to 7.x-2.x git branch in make file to ensure latest version of bear_skin is being installed. There were issues between the older bear_skin release and the latest bear dev.
  • Added probo setup files and started on adding tests.

bear 7.x-1.14

Bug fixes

Fixed issue on install by removing comment permission settings from bear.install file. These were causing the install to fail because comment module is not enabled by default now in bear.

bear 7.x-1.13

Adding comment dependency back to, as it's causing lots of other issues.

bear 7.x-1.12

Fixing issues with make files. For some reason bear was getting put into a contrib folder in the profiles folder.

bear 7.x-1.11

Added features module to make file as it was missing and is a dependency.

bear 7.x-1.10

Removed selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar. Not meant to be included in the repo.

bear 7.x-1.7

New features

Latest versions of core and contrib modules
Added picture module with image styles and breakpoint settings
Added a patches.make file for use with and updated README
Added environment indicator module and settings
Added menu expanded module
Added block class module
Removed flexslider
Added chosen
Added fences

bear 7.x-1.6

Updated Drupal core to 7.32 for security update.

Added Picture module.

bear 7.x-1.5

The bear_show and bear_home features packages that were included in Bear Starter Kit out of the box have now been pulled out to their own separate project pages on for use as optional features for Bear. This will help us keep the core profile cleaner and allow for optional additions to the profile as contributed modules that can be updated easier as we make changes to them.

bear 7.x-1.4

Updated Drupal core version for security, SA-CORE-2014-004 - Drupal core - Denial of service.

bear 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes
New features
  • Updated Date module version for security. Fixes SA-CONTRIB-2014-073.
  • Added Bear Home feature that provides a default homepage panel with a flexslider views slideshow enabled.
  • Updated Bear Show feature with better logic and views settings. Thanks @kvnm!
  • Fixed a bug in wysiwyg settings where bear.css was not loading properly.
  • Fixed a bug with linkit modal z-index by adding a new patch.

bear 7.x-1.2

Updated Views version for security in the make file.

bear 7.x-1.1

New features

Added breadcrumbs_by_path module to dependencies and removed menu_position from dependencies.

bear 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes
New features

WYSIWYG module replaces CKEditor in this full release. No errors for uploading images or using media_youtube, which were present with CKEditor module.

This release has been fully tested and confirmed working without any errors or overridden feature states after a fresh installation.

It is highly recommended to use this 1.0 release instead of the Dev release, as new changes may occur in Dev that may cause errors or overridden feature states.

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