To make use of EXIF Custom you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that you have downloaded and enabled the File Entity module.
  2. Enable this module from the settings page.
  3. Enable the permissions for your users if required.
  4. Create an image mapping (admin/config/content/exif_custom/new_map). You will need to give the mapping a name, and upload an example file that has ALL of the metadata fields you wish to use populated.
  5. You can edit which metadata fields are mapped to which image entity fields by going to admin/config/content/exif_custom and clicking edit next to the mapping you have just created.
  6. In order to automatically import metadata when uploading an image you will need to go to the EXIF Custom settings page (admin/config/content/exif_custom/settings) and choose a site default mapping)
  7. Individual users may override the site default with their own default mapping (admin/config/content/exif_custom/user).