With the popularity of entity references IMHO Enterityreference PrePopulate or other PrePopulating modules are becoming more and more essential.

With this said, the explanation of how to use this module has not been clear as there are numerous issues in this queue asking how to actually use it;

#1819896: screen shot of module functioning
#1700562: Create Content Field on Edit Form Does not Show
#1776858: how to get a link on the refrenced node ?
#1600904: Allow prepopulating in node edit forms, not just node add forms.
#1431686: Can't seem to get this to work..

The previous Node Reference URL widget worked great out of the box but this one does not.

I completely understand that this module may seem straight forward for developers but many of us site builders need this functionality out of the box to enhance the editorial workflow.

There has been some talk regarding other modules being developed;
#1489526: Improve prepopulate behavior

Again IMHO it would be very helpful to the Drupal Community if there could be some sort of collaboration or an effort to make ERP easier to understand.
#1849452: Collaboration with Entityreferences Prepopulate

Any help would be much appreciated.


kclarkson’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

added link to PrePopulate module

general_ludd’s picture

Yes, a good place to start is to put the read me link in the sidebar and include critical points in the project page main content. Here's a start:

With this module you can create links to create group content relevant to a given group with the node/add/content_type/?[og_ref_field]=[gid]. So if a content type of "discussion" has an OG Reference Entity Reference field named og_ref_id then the url would be example.com/node/add/discussion/?og_ref_id=gid. This can be made more dynamic using views and global text fields.

general_ludd’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

forgot hash tag for other issue.