I got this when installing with Drush:

WD php: PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1419 You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable): CREATE TRIGGER               [error]
`{settings_audit_log_variable_update_audit}` AFTER UPDATE ON `{variable}` FOR EACH ROW
  DECLARE connection_uid INT;
  IF (NEW.value != OLD.value ) THEN
    SELECT COALESCE(uid, 0) INTO connection_uid FROM {settings_audit_log_user_db_connection} WHERE connection_id = CONNECTION_ID();
    INSERT INTO `{settings_audit_log_variable_audit_log}` (`name`, `old_value`, `new_value`, `event_timestamp`, `uid`)
    VALUES (NEW.name, OLD.value, NEW.value, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), connection_uid);
CREATE TRIGGER `{settings_audit_log_variable_insert_audit}` AFTER INSERT ON `{variable}` FOR EACH ROW
  DECLARE connection_uid INT;
  SELECT COALESCE(uid, 0) INTO connection_uid FROM {settings_audit_log_user_db_connection} WHERE connection_id = CONNECTION_ID();
  INSERT INTO `{settings_audit_log_variable_audit_log}` (`name`, `old_value`, `new_value`, `event_timestamp`, `uid`)
  VALUES (NEW.name, NULL, NEW.value, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), connection_uid);
END;; Array
 in settings_audit_log_install_variable_trigger() (line 116 of /DRUPAL7/sites/all/modules/contrib/settings_audit_log/settings_audit_log.install).
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/share/pear/drush/includes/output.inc:37) bootstrap.inc:1212                                                                                              [warning]
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1419 You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable): CREATE TRIGGER `{settings_audit_log_variable_update_audit}` AFTER UPDATE ON `{variable}` FOR EACH ROW
  DECLARE connection_uid INT;
  IF (NEW.value != OLD.value ) THEN
    SELECT COALESCE(uid, 0) INTO connection_uid FROM {settings_audit_log_user_db_connection} WHERE connection_id = CONNECTION_ID();
    INSERT INTO `{settings_audit_log_variable_audit_log}` (`name`, `old_value`, `new_value`, `event_timestamp`, `uid`)
    VALUES (NEW.name, OLD.value, NEW.value, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), connection_uid);
CREATE TRIGGER `{settings_audit_log_variable_insert_audit}` AFTER INSERT ON `{variable}` FOR EACH ROW
  DECLARE connection_uid INT;
  SELECT COALESCE(uid, 0) INTO connection_uid FROM {settings_audit_log_user_db_connection} WHERE connection_id = CONNECTION_ID();
  INSERT INTO `{settings_audit_log_variable_audit_log}` (`name`, `old_value`, `new_value`, `event_timestamp`, `uid`)
  VALUES (NEW.name, NULL, NEW.value, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), connection_uid);
END;; Array
 in settings_audit_log_install_variable_trigger() (line 116 of /DRUPAL7/sites/all/modules/contrib/settings_audit_log/settings_audit_log.install).
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.                                                                                                                                                                          [error]

Module could also use a README.txt file


NaliPL’s picture

Have similar problem whe turn on off module and click "save button"

Solve this issue via mysql query:

grant super on *.* to user_name@localhost identified by "password here";


flush privileges;

previously I have the grant all added t othis user but it dosn't work, after add grant super the problem looks like solved to me.

PS. When the message was showed some modules don't install correctly even if they were checked as installed after refresh the page !

mgifford’s picture

Thanks. I haven't tried this yet, but will try to do so.

Would be nice if the module spit out a nice error message explaining the MySQL permissions that are required for the Drupal user.