submenutree 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Issue #3037177 by itcrowd72, omrmankar, troybthompson: PHP 7.2 each() function is deprecated

submenutree 7.x-2.3

Fixed the issue with incorrect files being included with the last release.

submenutree 7.x-2.2

New features
Bug fixes

Added a new block title generation type "direct parent". This option automatically populates the sub or sibling content block title with the menu title of the current node's parent menu item.

Made the descriptions of the block title generation options less technical and more user friendly.

Fixed a bug where manually setting a block title would incorrectly add a header inside of the block content.

submenutree 7.x-2.1

New features

Added the ability to enable/disable Submenu Tree per content type.

Please note that you will need to enable Submenu Tree for each of your required content types after installing this update.

submenutree 7.x-2.0

New features

First release of the 7.x-2.x branch of Submenu Tree.

When upgrading from Submenu Tree 7.x-1.x, existing content's sub and sibling options will be preserved and existing roles with administer sub or sibling content permissions will be automatically upgraded to equivalent Submenu Tree 7.x-2.x permissions.

The 7.x-2.x branch contains a number of new features and interface improvements including:

New Features

  • Administrators can now configure the default sub/sibling content settings to use when editing content.
  • Default sub/sibling content settings can now be set per content type.
  • Administrators can now choose which menu to use when generating extended links.
  • Administrators can now choose which menu level to begin generating extended links from.
  • Administrators can now choose how the sub and sibling block titles are generated.


  • User interface text has been rewritten to be more descriptive, accurate and easier to understand.
  • Description text has been added to certain permissions.
  • The README file has been rewritten to be more helpful and up-to-date.
  • Added Submenu Tree to a package to make it easier to find on the modules page.

submenutree 7.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

First release of the 7.x-2.x branch. The 2.x branch of Submenu Tree will contain new features and improvements.

submenutree 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

(This is a botched release. Please don't use this version. Use 7.x-1.2 instead)

Added two new permissions 'administer submenu trees' and 'administer siblingmenu trees'. Only user accounts with these permissions can edit submenu trees or siblingmenu trees respectively.

Forward port of issue #1211802: Adding permission to the module.
Issue #1226036: Submenu Tree only works in Main menu.
Issue #1211226: Properly initialise variables.
Issue #1175058 by adriaanm: theme_submenu_tree_menu should pass a variable to drupal_render

submenutree 6.x-1.6

New features
Bug fixes

Added two new permissions 'administer submenu trees' and 'administer siblingmenu trees'. Only user accounts with these permissions can edit submenu trees or siblingmenu trees respectively.

Issue #1211802: Adding permission to the module.
Issue #1167082 by dman: Proper use of hook_theme() - declare the function arguments.

submenutree 6.x-1.4


Minor release fixing two bugs:

#455690: Weight (suddenly) being ignored
#459228: Full text submenu not displayed when Panels 3 module activated

Please run update.php after upgrading.

submenutree 6.x-1.3

New features

Added new feature: Extended primary links block.

The Extended primary links block extends the primary links menu into a block.

In other words, the Extended primary links block selects the menu designated as the primary links menu and displays the rest of that menu (ie. from the second or third level downwards) in a block.

If no primary links menu exist, it will use the secondary links menu if that exists.

submenutree 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

#272518: Siblingmenue not shown if no submenues found

submenutree 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Critical bugfix: #265453: Table 'drupal.node_submenutree' doesn't exist

submenutree 5.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Bring 5.x version up to 1.0 to match 6.x versioning.
#247198: Titles Only View -> Links. Displaying as titles now works. Minor bugfix.

submenutree 6.x-1.0


First port to Drupal 6.x.
#247198: Titles Only View -> Links. Displaying as titles now works. Minor bugfix.

submenutree 5.x-0.4

New features

Changed database table schema (and associated code refactoring)
Added configurable titles (#188753)
Added sibling menus (#188753)

(Please read the readme for upgrading instructions)

submenutree 5.x-0.2

New features

Submenu Tree displayable in a block, which addresses Issue #186880.

You'll have to enable the "Submenu Tree" block to display the submenu tree in a block.

submenutree 5.x-0.1

New features

First release for Drupal 5.x.
Please note this release only works for MySQL.

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