Mailchimp Campaigns

Last updated on
15 December 2018

Mailchimp Campaigns is a submodule of the Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 versions of the Mailchimp module. Mailchimp Campaigns allow creating and sending campaigns, and viewing statistics from within a Drupal website.


The install file adds one table to list campaigns and one input filter format named MailChimp campaign. This module requires the entity module, in order to work.

Add a Campaign

Add a list and a template on your MailChimp account first, then switch on the campaign module then select Administration » Configuration » Web services » MailChimp then the Campaigns tab and add a campaign. Enter a Title, Subject, and select a List. The From Email and From Name default to the site settings. Now you select a Template from a list. The template has to exist before you add the campaign. The page appears to let you edit the template. There is no way to create a new template and no link to the MailChimp template creation page on the Drupal side - this must be done on the MailChimp side.

Creating Campaigns

  1. Click Add a Campaign in the overview
  2. Fill out the required fields
    • Title: An internal name to identify the campaign
    • Subject: Message subject
    • List: The MailChimp list to use
    • From Email: Email address for the campaign
    • From Name: Name for the campaign messages
    • Template: MailChimp template to use
    • Content Sections: Each section (if applicable) of content for the campaign
    • Text format: Choose between MailChimp campaign and Plain Text
    • Insert Site Content: Chose your entity type, select an existing entity and view mode, click inside of your chosen textarea, and click on the "Insert entity token" link - this will insert already existing entities into your campaign content.
  3. Click Save as draft

Once saved as a draft, the new campaign will be available in both Drupal and MailChimp as a draft until it is sent. After sending, campaigns can no longer be edited.


Campaigns, lists, or templates have not updated from MailChimp

Try clearing the Drupal cache and reloading the page.

Cannot edit a campaign

Check to see if the campaign has already been sent. Sent campaigns cannot be edited.

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