h+w is a small design shop in Rhode Island focused on providing the best and most appropriate strategies for web design and technology implementation. We have been using Drupal since D5 was in beta to build sites for tech startups, Fortune 25 corporations and dozens of schools in addition to many other clients. We embrace and teach the latest in web standards, responsive design and good web typography, write for a few sites on design and typography, and speak regularly at Drupal and other web conferences.

Drupal contributions

  • We have co-maintained the Typekit module and provided UI help on FontYourFace
  • We organize the Providence Drupal Meetup
  • We speak regularly at DrupalCon's and DrupalCamps (jpamental has presented in London, Munich, (soon) Sydney and numerous sessions at DrupalCamps from Florida to New Hampshire)
  • We contribute patches, design input and share code snippets regularly on d.o.