In the events module there are tooltips with multiple lines. In a normal title attribute a \n escape sequence is used to do a new line, however when using nicetitles this doesn't work.
The following function can be used to convert a normal title text to html:

function nl2br( s, node ) {
  var br, txt;
  var fragments = s.split('\n');
  for (var i=0; i<fragments.length; i++) {
    txt = document.createTextNode( fragments[i] );
    if (i<(fragments.length-1)) {
      br = document.createElement('br');

Then this function can be used to render the title properly. ie:
pat = document.createElement('p');
nl2br( nicetitle, pat );'

Moreover in tipfocus() and moveNiceTitle() a variable called 'w' is being used but never declared.
