Has anyone figured out the css for making SF work in First Column

SF is working - but the menu link is white - hover works fine


green monkey’s picture

really confused on this one - even when using Firefox WD

I think I have the right area - just can't figure out the right css
(SF white menu items on white background - on a first column block)
SF is working ok - just need to change the white on white

<nav id="block-superfish-2" class="block block-superfish contextual-links-region even last block-count-5 block-region-sidebar-first block-2" ><div class="block-inner clearfix">  
      <h2 class="block-title">Menu</h2>
  <div class="block-content content clearfix"><ul id="superfish-2" class="sf-menu navigation sf-horizontal sf-style-default sf-total-items-8 sf-parent-items-2 sf-single-items-6"><li id="menu-733-2" class="first odd sf-item-1 sf-depth-1 sf-no-children">
green monkey’s picture

Hooray for me today and I learned something new

What I was doing wrong was .superfish-2 instead of #superfish-2 - I really don't understand when or the difference of those

what I learned was to look in the script and see the def.... or better yet the secret undercover call sign :-) LOL