My admin/reports/status shows that my Database schema is Inconsistent. Is this something I should be concerned about?

18 modules with matching tables
5 extra tables
2 modules with mis-matching tables

Tables for which the schema and database are different.
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page_title: unexpected column in database
page_info: unexpected column in database


nevets’s picture

What happens if you visit the modules page and run update

jaskho’s picture

It's hard to say whether you "should" be worried about it, unfortunately. The way Drupal works, modules may (but are not required to) declare the schemas of the tables they use. Typically, an "extra" table simply means that a module (or some other agent creating tables, such as a developer or dba) hasn't adhered to the schema API. In other words, it's probably not a "problem" in an immediate sense. Mismatching tables, however, might be more of a cause for concern. Some module is claiming to know something about those tables' schemas, but what those modules "know" is incorrect. The cause for this may be relatively benign--an inconsequential error in the hook_schema declaration, for instance--or serious.
I'd try to determine which modules are involved then check the relevant issue queues. If nothing is there, then create a new issue detailing what you've encountered.