I have installed OpenCalais and got it working, more or less. That is to say, I have successfully configured OpenCalais, selected the vocabularies I want to use, and I can call OpenCalais using the tab, and receive suggestions.
However, the first time I did this it picked up a new Calais category called "Political Event" and created a new vocabulary for it. Since I wanted to use "Political Event", I went to the node configuration and checked the category in the "Global" settings. I then got this error:

field is required.
field is required.
field is required.
field is required.
field is required.
Field Start sending on has errors. The year must be a number between 1 and 4000. The month must be a number between 1 and 12. The day must be a number between 1 and 31.
Title pattern for new edition nodes field is required.

Looking at the report logs I find I am getting this message:
Illegal choice in scheduler element
The problem now is that when I ask Calais to process a node, the "Political Event" category still does not show up under the "Calais" tab
Looking at the Calais bulk processing tab, I find to my surprise that there appear to be a lot of "blank" node types. And investigating further in my database, I discover that I do indeed have a fair few nodes which are apparently corrupted, with blank or nonsensical data types (no idea how that happened though).


joel_guesclin’s picture

I have done a lot of searching around. First, I have eliminated all the incorrectly typed nodes from my database (I think!). Second, I have checked out the source of the Calais configuration form which is giving the errors.
The field being referred to is part of the newsletter content type from the "Simplenews" module. The form element is invisible on the Calais config form (I got it to show up by switching off the CSS "display: none"), but is being taken into account despite the fact that the Simplenews type is flagged never to be handled by Calais.
This seems a pretty major bug to me.

joel_guesclin’s picture

Switching off the Simplenews Scheduler module when changing the OpenCalais configuration makes it possible to change it - but why is the OpenCalais config picking this up anyway?

ElusiveMind’s picture

I am way late to this game, but OpenCalais was saving all new vocabularies as belonging to "taxonomy" and not "opencalais" ... I have fixed this and it may prevent the cross talk between the two modules. I will keep digging.