There are three core modules:

  • Restore (core)
    This is the core restore module providing the classes and API.
  • Restore (differences ui)
    This module provides a UI to display any differences between the values in the database compared to the values in the restore scripts.
  • Restore (generate ui)
    This provides a UI to generate new or update existing restore scripts.

There are several operations provided by the core module:

  • Date format
  • Modules
  • Permissions
  • Roles
  • Variables

And several additional operations via additional modules:

  • Blocks
    Provides backup and restore functionality for blocks.
  • Custom breadcrumbs
    Provides backup and restore functionality for custom "path" breadcrumbs.
  • Fields
    Provides backup and restore functionalty for fields and field instances.
  • Filter formats
    Provides backup and restore functionality for filter formats.
  • Image styles
    Provides backup and restore functionality for image styles.
  • Menus
    Provides backup and restore functionality for menus and menu items.
  • Content types
    Provides backup and restore functionality for content types.
  • Path alias
    Provides backup and restore functionality for path aliases.
  • Redirects
    Provides backup and restore functionality for redirects.
  • Rules
    Provides backup and restore functionality for rules.


The core modules require ctools, modules providing additional operations have their own dependencies.